• This is a Throat Chakra crystal grid made out of Birch wood and approximately 4 inches in diameter and 1/4" thick. This is just for the grid, stones much be purchased separately. The Fifth Chakra in the human body is located in the throat region and aptly named Throat Chakra. In Sanskrit, the word 'Vishuddha' (meaning purification) is used for the Fifth Chakra. This Chakra is the center of communication, listening etc. The 3rd Ray of "Active intelligence," is associated with the fifth of the seven chakras. This chakra symbol is all about choice, willpower and the right to speak and be heard. Speaking our peace is our God given right of choice. Having said this, not all we say gives us peace. Some of what we say dis-empowers us...some empowers. What we say is caused by unloving or loving imprints from our past again. It is through this chakra that we manifest what we want in life. A healthy throat chakra makes your voice clear and it resonates with truth. The words are a creative expression of the honestly and trust we feel within. Blocks in this chakra make it difficult to communicate because we feel suppressed by swallowed emotions and feelings. The voice is weak and your feelings unclear or garbled. Integrity plays a huge part in the proper functioning of the throat chakra. Since its between the head and the heart it works to maintain integrity between what we think and what we feel. Self-empowerment is the main lesson of this chakra symbol. Health issues: fever, ear infections, weariness, thyroid problems, disorders in the throat, ears, voice, neck, cervical spine, hypothalamus and esophagus problems.
  • This is a Third Eye Chakra crystal grid made out of Birch wood and approximately 4 inches in diameter and 1/4" thick. This is just for the grid, stones much be purchased separately. In certain dharmic spiritual traditions such as Hinduism, the third eye refers to the ajna, or brow, chakra. The third eye refers to the gate that leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. This chakra is governed by the 5th ray of "Concrete Knowledge." Our intuition and our ability to see with vision comes from here. It's the center of divine wisdom, the spiritual eye that seeks to see and know the truth in all things. From the sixth of the seven chakra symbols we close our physical eyes and look at the world from all aspects of self. Our intuition becomes our guide. A healthy third eye gives us the power to perceive every reflection from the outer world, as a direct call for us to accept it as ours, heal and love it. Blocks in this chakra cause us to become delusional, unimaginative, indifferent and to have poor memories. Worry is a big problem, spaced-out, and poor concentration also plague a person with a sick third eye chakra. Health issues: headaches, eye problems, pituitary and pineal glands, neurological problems.
  • This is a Sacral Chakra crystal grid made out of Birch wood and approximately 4 inches in diameter and 1/4" thick. This is just for the grid, stones much be purchased separately. Svadhisthana - Your sacral chakra is located in your lower abdomen, about one to two inches below your naval. When out of balance symptoms including but aren't limited to attachment issues, sexually-related guilt, timidity, emotional volatility, hypersensitivity, and trust issues. Zodiac signs Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio The 7th Ray of "Ceremonial Magic" rules this chakra symbol. The second from the bottom of the seven chakras is about our relationships, creativity, sexuality, control and money. It's our time of developing individuality and realizing we are a separate entity from our parents and family. Here we learn about the polarity of opposites, male and female, positive and negative. Relationships with the opposite sex are explored here. Blocks in this second of the seven chakras brings lessons on jealousy, betrayal, control and power plays. Health Issues: Uterine or bladder problems, sexual difficulties, impotence, lack of flexibility, sciatica, lower back pain, and problems with large intestines.

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