• This mineral assists in promoting inner strength and has a calming effect. It also helps one to release distress from negative emotions and purify the home and environment. It assists in grounding and stabilizing the energies of the chakras and can initiate powerful visionary experiences through the third eye. This stone has a deep connection with Mother Earth and increases communication, abundance and life force.
  • Ruby in Zoisite enhances psychic abilities, aids in the communication of spirit guides and, when placed on the Crown chakra, amplifies spirituality, engaging the body’s own energy field. Ruby in Zoisite helps you to maintain your individuality while still being part of the world around you.  It keeps you from over-reacting to difficult situations and prevents mood swings. Ruby in Zoisite transmutes negative energy into the positive. It is especially helpful during the grieving process, allowing you to release that pain and sorrow and gain spiritual comfort while getting on with your life and regaining that passion. It also enhances that passion into compassion for others who may be going through the same.
  • Unakite

    Unakite Jasper brings together the abundant, nurturing energy of green with the soft, caring passion of pink in one of Nature’s most healing crystals of the heart and mind. It resonates with the frequency of love, compassion and kindness, and is a stone dedicated to balancing the emotional body. The elements of Red Jasper and Epidote blend beautifully in Unakite Jasper and embody strong, harmonious relationships. Its pink and green energies balance aspects of the heart, lifting spirits when one is down, and helps to release deep-seated emotions in a slow and gentle way. It promotes patience and persistence, and gradually eliminates bad habits and the thoughts and patterns that perpetuate them. It is a great stone for children’s sensitive emotions, and is particularly good for helping them bounce back from sorrow, grief or disappointment. Unakite supports anyone who feels a little lost, overwhelmed, or has trouble focusing on the here and now
  • In addition to the generic healing properties of Quartz, Smokey Quartz is an excellent grounding stone.  It gently neutralizes negative vibrations and is detoxifying on all levels, prompting elimination of the digestive system and protecting against radiation and electromagnetic smog.  Smokey Quartz disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity.  It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety.  Promotes positive thoughts and action, and alleviates suicidal tendencies.  Dispels nightmares and manifests your dreams.  Smokey Quartz aids concentration and assists in communication difficulties.
  • Obsidian is truth-enhancing.  A strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity.  It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment.  Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension.  It stimulates growth on all levels, urging exploration of the unknown and opening new horizons.  Brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion.  Helps you to know who you truly are.  Obsidian dissolves emotional blockages and ancient traumas.  Promotes qualities of compassion and strength.
  • Red Jasper is gently stimulating and also an extremely protective stone.  It can neutralize radiation and other forms of environmental and electromagnetic pollution.  Red Jasper rectifies unjust situations and grounds energy.  Brings problems to light and provides insights into difficult situations.  An excellent “worry bead”, Red Jasper calms the emotions.  Aids in dream recall.  Cleans and stabilizes the aura.  A stone of health, Red Jasper strengthens and detoxifies the circulatory system, blood and liver.
  • Rhodonite clears emotional wounds and scars from the past. It eases doubts about personal abilities and helps in achieving one's highest potential. It builds confidence, and alleviates confusion. It calms the heart and soothes the mind.
  • Hematite is a grounding stone and can be useful for a mental "tune up". It helps with studying by enhancing memory and concentration. It dissipates negativity and stimulates the circulatory system.
  • Helps with concentration, and increases awareness, inspiration, and creativity. Purifies the spiritual, mental and physical planes. Can also bring an aura of protection. Known as the master healer, it has the power to regulate energy.
  • selenite wand is a versatile crystal tool used for energy cleansing, meditation, healing and more. Referred to as “liquid light,” Selenite has the ability to quickly unblock stagnant, stuck energy to promote a healthy, smooth flow of energy throughout your body. It dispels all negative energy from your system, bringing calming energies, mental clarity and deep peace. These wands are an energy tool that everyone needs in their home! Hold one in each hand for meditation, or use one to clear your aura on a daily basis--the possibilities are endless.  Keep them near your crystals to keep them cleansed also.  
  • Selenite can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy. Selenite can remove energy blocks from physical and etheric bodies. The powerful vibration of Selenite opens the Crown and Higher Chakras and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. Selenite calms and brings deep peace, and offers access to past and future lives. Selenite brings mental clarity, clearing confusion and revealing the bigger picture behind problems. A protective stone, Selenite shields a person or space from outside influences.
  • Out of stock
    These delicate, beautiful earrings combine two energies we can't get enough of, Black Tourmaline and Selenite. Black Tourmaline is one of the most powerful crystals to protect, as it carries an extremely high-vibrational grounding and protective energy. It provides extreme protection against any negative or harmful energy, Black Tourmaline clears, cleanses and unlocks all energy blockages. Selenite crystals are also very powerful protection crystal, it brings a very protective, yet calming energy. Selenite crystals  have the ability to quickly unblock any stagnant or stale energy, removing any negative energy. Selenite also greatly magnifies the energy of anything that is placed upon it—meaning the Black Tourmaline atop the Selenite crystals  is a powerhouse protection combo.

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