• In Victorian England, and in other cultures, flowers were used to convey specific meanings and messages, especially in the coy rituals of courtship. Botanical Inspirations Deck & Book Set brings together the Secret Language of Flowers with the treasured artwork of Pierre-Joseph Redouté. Each Botanical Inspirations card features a thoughtful quotation that alludes to the symbolism of the flower. The accompanying guidebook presents inspirational affirmations and narrative vignettes culled from history, mythology, lore and legend. From the demure violet to the noble magnolia, all flowers have stories to tell and lessons to share. This charming gift set includes:
    • 44 cards with quotations and flower meanings
    • 100-page illustrated guidebook with messages of insight and inspiration
    • Fold-out guide to the Secret Language of Flowers
    • Drawstring organza pouch
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    This inspirational deck brings the angelic insights and healing energy associated with “finding feathers” to those who seek divine guidance from the mystical realm of birds. Double-sided cards present feather art on one side, with a watercolor image of the bird and an affirmation message on the reverse. The guidebook shares special stories about the 44 different birds and relates their natural symbolism to colors, seasons, elements, and special energies. Set includes 44 double-sided cards and 80-page guidebook.
  • Oracle of the Fairies is a modern deck for people who love nature and know that there is more to life than what can be seen with our physical eyes - use this oracle as the portal to the realm of fairy magic and manifest your way to wonders untold! Created by Karen Kay, renowned fairy communicator, Oracle of the Fairies will guide you to seek out fairy wisdom and receive concrete answers that will bring inspiration and solutions to everyday questions. Each reading will share positive and practical fairy insight, directly related to your unique energy and personal circumstances. Use this deck as a tool to forge your own path in life with wisdom and confidence - easily done when you can readily communicate with your fairy guides through these cards! '[Karen's] ability to bring people together in a joyous and creative space has grown from small gatherings to the major events she now hosts.' - Brian and Wendy Froud, authors of Brian Froud's Faeries' Tales
  • Internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher and best-selling author Colette Baron-Reid offers a vibrantly illustrated oracle deck of 58 crystals, each selected for their healing powers and ability to help you channel divine guidance from the Universe. Legends about the healing powers of crystals have endured for millennia, with stories passed among ancient healers, medicine men and women, and shamans. Every crystal is a gift from Mother Earth, offering a return to balance and well-being through their stabilizing energy. In The Crystal Spirits Oracle, internationally renowned spiritual teacher Colette Baron-Reid explores the unique personalities and properties of 58 crystals, with stunning art by Jena Della Grottaglia. With the messages of the crystals, you'll learn how to connect with divine guidance and align with the consciousness of the universe so you can take charge of your destiny.
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    Dragons are beautiful, wise, open-hearted etheric beings of the angelic realms who are sent here by Source to help and assist us. They operate on a different vibrational frequency to us, which is why most people can’t see them, but they are very willing to connect with us if we are ready to tune in to their wavelength. Dragons really love the planet and everyone on it, and are pouring into Earth now to help us with the transition to the new Golden Age. They can protect and care for you, be your friend and companion, and help in a myriad of ways. The help they can offer depends on the type of dragon they are. For example, earth dragons can move in front of you, clearing and lighting up your path; fire dragons burn up the lower energies around you; water dragons help you to flow round challenging situations and people; and air dragons help you to rise above earthly matters. As you work with these Dragon Cards you will discover many ways in which dragons can support your life, assist your spiritual growth and illuminate your ascension path. These Dragon Oracle Cards will attune you to the different dragons. They will also offer you guidance about your daily life, your soul mission, your ascension path, and how you can serve the planet.
  • The Energy Oracle Cards are designed to reveal both the present energy you project and the results you are likely to attract. The unlimited power of your own consciousness is a vital force that moves through the Universe and plants the seeds of your destiny far and wide. These easy-to-use cards will help you to understand what your consciousness is creating, as well as reveal any hidden blocks that may be delaying your progress. The information they bring will empower and inspire you, for it comes from heavenly messengers, friends from the spirit realm and your own higher self. All that you need is available to you, so let your intuition soar. Listen to the messages it brings and take your life to wonderful new heights!
  • Imagine... between the visible and the unseen is a guiding force that some call Spirit, the Holy Will, the Divine, the Field, or Consciousness. Using this card deck by Colette Baron-Reid will connect you to that larger Consciousness and guide you as you travel along on the journey of your life. The themes of these 52 cards represent some of the places you'll visit, the conditions you may encounter, and the allies and challengers you'll meet as you navigate a metaphoric map of your life's journey. The enclosed guidebook will help you ask the right questions and interpret the messages in your readings. The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards were created in order to empower you to understand the story of your fate, destiny, and free will; and allow you to chart a course to live a life of deep purpose, true prosperity, and vibrant love. Step into the Enchanted Map... and watch the magic come alive!
  • Internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher and best-selling author Colette Baron-Reid delivers a 68-card deck of interactive conversations with Spirit based on the archetypal energies of living beings that share our planet--helping us connect with them as sacred teachers, healers, and allies.The spirits residing in the natural world have much to share, and the secrets of their forgotten language are now available to you through The Spirit Animal Oracle. They urge us to reclaim our essential Truth--that we are one in Spirit, connected to every living thing on this earth in a unified consciousness. With the draw of a card, you can share in this wisdom and better navigate your life, move beyond the obstacles of your perceived limitations, and tune in to your infinite potential.Represented in the 68 cards of this beautifully illustrated oracle card deck are the Higher Spirits of different animals, insects, fish, and birds. Every animal has a transcendent archetypal symbolism, a universal meaning holding a message of deep, enduring truth. With guidance from intuitive master and oracle expert Colette Baron-Reid, you can now awaken to your partnership with Spirit to co-create your reality in service to the world.
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    The Numerology Guidance Cards are the ultimate tools of divination, providing clarity and insight to assist you on your path. When you're in need of answers, direction, inspiration and hope, these cards will bridge the gap between your inner wisdom and the 'universal wisdom of All That Is' through the ancient energy of numbers. Based on your current thoughts and behaviors, the Numerology Guidance Cards will reveal your future potential and uncover any conscious or subconscious blocks that are impeding the manifestation of your goals. Once these blocks have been identified and removed, you can begin to improve your life and actualize your dreams. Each of the 44 cards in this deck contains specific numbers, colours and words that assist in raising your energy vibration - plus the ancient 'Merkaba' and 'Flower of Life' symbols to facilitate your spiritual growth. The accompanying guidebook offers additional information to aid you in interpreting your readings. Numerologist Michelle Buchanan didn't design these cards to 'predict' your future - but rather to help you create the one you desire!
  • After the publication of his best-selling book Power Animals, many people inquired about the meaning of spirit animals that were not contained in that work. In Animal Spirit Guides, Dr. Farmer provided concise, relevant details about the significance of more than 200 animals that may come to you in physical or symbolic form as guides and teachers. Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides is a special companion card set to Dr. Farmer's latest book, with each card devoted to an animal, its characteristics, and practical ways that they can help you as a spirit guide.
  • The Soul Coaching® Oracle Cards, by best-selling author and healer Denise Linn, provide a direct connection to the Soul. The card deck and guidebook can be used to give yourself, your loved ones, and your clients remarkably accurate, heartfelt readings . . . as well as help you touch the sacred place within. You’ll come to understand what your Soul wants you to know about your relationships, your career, your creativity, and even your future. Every card glows with beautiful artwork and a positive message that can help you receive profound spiritual guidance from your higher self!
  • The Spirit Messages Daily Guidance Oracle Deck, with its accompanying guidebook and 50 beautifully designed cards, was created by John Holland to assist you in getting support, comfort and divine guidance from Spirit, your loved ones, family, ancestors, friends, guides and helpers in the Spirit World. These cards will also help the user to develop a higher awareness of Spirit and remind you that you are never truly alone. These extraordinary cards will bring insight and clarity around some of the major decision points in your life, or just to reaffirm that you're making the right decisions. The Spirit World communicates through these cards with guidance and direction in matters of self-love, vulnerability, relationships, trust and more. As you work with these cards, they will strengthen your natural ability of intuition and the beautiful, loving bond that you and the Spirit World share.
  • Ask Your Guides is a 52-card psychic-intuitive oracle card deck (with an accompanying guidebook) based on the traditional minor arcane of the Tarot. The deck is designed to not only guide you, the seeker, through present and upcoming life events and challenges, but will also connect you directly with specific spirit guides and Divine helpers who are there to help you navigate through these transitions and challenges successfully.
  • The Native Spirit Oracle Cards profoundly deepen your connection to the mysterious, natural forces around you. Created by Denise Linn, an enrolled member of the Cherokee tribe and the best-selling author of the books Quest and Kindling the Native Spirit, this 44-card deck with companion guidebook holds the keys to unlocking a wondrous realm where you’ll discover what destiny has in store for you. These oracle cards were birthed at the base of a sacred mountain, and they carry the mystical energy that surrounded their birthing. Each card opens a gateway so that you can powerfully and immediately discern your own unique, secret messages from the Universe.
  • From a best-selling author and oracle expert, a deck full of powerful tools for revealing the potentials in your future and forging the dynamic destiny you desire. From a best-selling author and oracle expert, a deck full of powerful tools for revealing the potentials in your future and forging the dynamic destiny you desire. What energy are you creating right now, in the present moment, that's laying the groundwork for your future? What can you do to consciously control and direct it toward the destiny of your choice? The Quantum Oracle Deck from beloved teacher and author Sandra Anne Taylor holds the answers you seek. This beautifully illustrated 53-card deck not only reveals your individual energy, it also shows the inextricable connection to Universal patterns and responses, predicting future potentials with incredible accuracy. The six suits in the deck represent personal and Universal influences and situations in life; the seventh suit represents the five major cycles in nature and in the human experience. The cards are both predictive and instructive, perfect for users who want to know the future and learn how to forge the dynamic destiny they desire.
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    Work with the moon's power to gain clarity on your life, make informed decisions, and bring positive change where it is most needed! The phases of the moon and the position of the stars have a powerful effect on our everyday lives. Astrologer Yasmin Boland is an expert on the moon's influence on our lives and knows the tricks of working with its phases to yield positive results. Following the popularity of her book Moonology, she has created this oracle deck to bring more answers and guidance for those who feel a connection or are drawn to working with the moon's natural magic.The cards in the deck provide answers to the user's questions about their life as well as offering teachings on moon phases and moon positions. The cards will be named after a moon phase (full moon, new moon, quarter moon, crescent moon, super moon), or moon positions in the starsigns or houses. Each card will show how the energy of this moon position relates to an area of life, including life goals, communication, relationships, new beginnings, health, love, work, dreams, healing, success, family, home, money, travel, and friends. The cards will also offer guidance on action to take or things to reflect on. With magical and mystical illustrations, this deck is a beautiful and wise companion for those wishing to harness the moon's power!
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    The Earth speaks to us in many ways through the spirits of her various elements. In this deck of 48 oracle cards created by Steven D. Farmer, you'll find descriptions and images of several of these Earth elements along with clear and concise messages from the spirits of each. Through the use of these cards, you'll uncover sensible advice that will provide guidance for questions you may have about any aspect of your life. The enclosed guidebook includes easy-to-follow instructions as well as expanded descriptions and messages for each card, allowing you to give yourself and others accurate, meaningful readings.
  • The High Priest or Priestess within you walks the path of divine love, power and wisdom. This is the path of spiritual self-mastery where we are initiated through the darkness of struggle into the light of love. 
Learn to apply the Ancient Mystery teachings of the goddess Isis in practical ways to help you navigate through the experiences and challenges in your daily life. Allow Isis, this sacred priestess, initiate, magician and healer to help you reactivate your own soul talents of healing, magic and more as you journey with her from darkness and uncertainty into light, love and power. The luminous Isis Oracle set includes 44 oversized cards and a 220-page illustrated guidebook. Each of the card descriptions in the guidebook offers a powerful ritual to assist in integrating the message of the card. These rituals, many of which are guided meditations, help you focus your attention to get the answers you need. Alana Fairchild is a spiritual teacher and healer who helps people connect to their divine soul so that they may walk the path of their highest spiritual destiny. Jimmy Manton is an award-winning illustrator whose work has been featured in numerous publications and magazine.
  • Caroline Myss has created a unique set of 72 Archetype Cards, each individually designed to provide the basic Light and Shadow Attributes of a different Archetype. The deck also contains six blank cards on which you can create your own Archetypes. Also includes an instruction booklet.
  • By popular demand, author of The Archangel Guide to the Animal World Diana Cooper has created a one-of-a-kind oracle deck combining the divine wisdom of the Archangels with the natural beauty of the animal kingdom. Each of the 44 cards in this deck represents an animal, bird or insect, and shows symbols associated with each creature to help you interpret its spiritual messages. For example, if you pick the Hyena card, your guidance is 'dare to be different'; the card then advises you to be true to yourself and make change happen in your unique way. Every animal also works with a specific Archangel, who is indicated on that card. The accompanying booklet offers the reader unique information about each animal, both practical and spiritual, as well as its soul purpose and service mission, and the direct guidance the Archangels want to give you through these beautiful creatures. These cards are aimed at everyone on an ascension path as well as those who are interested in making a deeper connection the animal world.
  • The Goddesses in this deck are meant to be non-traditional representations of their myths and stories. As archetypes of their essential energies; these Goddesses represent aspects within our psyches and so we can see ourselves reflected in them and in what they represent. Seen this way, they are evolving as we are, and they are now called to be seen and experienced in a new way—which empowers us to also break free from the bondage of our old conditioning that no longer serves us.   Colette Baron-Reid is an internationally acclaimed spiritual medium, oracle expert, and author of numerous best-selling books and products published worldwide in 27 languages. She is also a recording artist and star of the hit TV series Messages from Spirit. Seen and heard on talk shows across the nation, her guest appearances include Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Oprah & Friends radio, and TODAY. In addition to her mediumship and spiritual teaching, Colette is the CEO and founder of Oracle School and the creator of the InVision Process®. Jena Della Grottaglia is a native New Yorker who now lives in Los Angeles with her husband, soul mate, and best friend, Daniel. She also has an affinity for animals, as her adopted four cats would attest to wholeheartedly. She is a self-taught artist who believes in being eclectic and unique in her styles, hoping to always evolve and create new and wondrous art. Her influences range from Michael Parkes and Gil Bruvel to the amazing Terese Nielsen and many more.

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