• 52 inspiring messages to help you open up to the power of the Universe This inspiring 52-card deck offers spiritual guidance to help you find strength when you are down, synchronicity and support when you are lost, safety in the face of uncertainty, and joy in all circumstances. Now it is in your hands. Surrender to the guidance that the cards provide, practice patience and peace, and trust that the Universe has your back.
  • The Energy Oracle Cards are designed to reveal both the present energy you project and the results you are likely to attract. The unlimited power of your own consciousness is a vital force that moves through the Universe and plants the seeds of your destiny far and wide. These easy-to-use cards will help you to understand what your consciousness is creating, as well as reveal any hidden blocks that may be delaying your progress. The information they bring will empower and inspire you, for it comes from heavenly messengers, friends from the spirit realm and your own higher self. All that you need is available to you, so let your intuition soar. Listen to the messages it brings and take your life to wonderful new heights!
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    Dragons are beautiful, wise, open-hearted etheric beings of the angelic realms who are sent here by Source to help and assist us. They operate on a different vibrational frequency to us, which is why most people can’t see them, but they are very willing to connect with us if we are ready to tune in to their wavelength. Dragons really love the planet and everyone on it, and are pouring into Earth now to help us with the transition to the new Golden Age. They can protect and care for you, be your friend and companion, and help in a myriad of ways. The help they can offer depends on the type of dragon they are. For example, earth dragons can move in front of you, clearing and lighting up your path; fire dragons burn up the lower energies around you; water dragons help you to flow round challenging situations and people; and air dragons help you to rise above earthly matters. As you work with these Dragon Cards you will discover many ways in which dragons can support your life, assist your spiritual growth and illuminate your ascension path. These Dragon Oracle Cards will attune you to the different dragons. They will also offer you guidance about your daily life, your soul mission, your ascension path, and how you can serve the planet.
  • Internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher and best-selling author Colette Baron-Reid offers a vibrantly illustrated oracle deck of 58 crystals, each selected for their healing powers and ability to help you channel divine guidance from the Universe. Legends about the healing powers of crystals have endured for millennia, with stories passed among ancient healers, medicine men and women, and shamans. Every crystal is a gift from Mother Earth, offering a return to balance and well-being through their stabilizing energy. In The Crystal Spirits Oracle, internationally renowned spiritual teacher Colette Baron-Reid explores the unique personalities and properties of 58 crystals, with stunning art by Jena Della Grottaglia. With the messages of the crystals, you'll learn how to connect with divine guidance and align with the consciousness of the universe so you can take charge of your destiny.
  • Oracle of the Fairies is a modern deck for people who love nature and know that there is more to life than what can be seen with our physical eyes - use this oracle as the portal to the realm of fairy magic and manifest your way to wonders untold! Created by Karen Kay, renowned fairy communicator, Oracle of the Fairies will guide you to seek out fairy wisdom and receive concrete answers that will bring inspiration and solutions to everyday questions. Each reading will share positive and practical fairy insight, directly related to your unique energy and personal circumstances. Use this deck as a tool to forge your own path in life with wisdom and confidence - easily done when you can readily communicate with your fairy guides through these cards! '[Karen's] ability to bring people together in a joyous and creative space has grown from small gatherings to the major events she now hosts.' - Brian and Wendy Froud, authors of Brian Froud's Faeries' Tales
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    This smudging bundle of wonderful smelling herbs have long been used in ritual and ceremony by indigenous peoples. Sage brings wisdom and is calming and healing and removes negative energy, Yerba Santa is used to purify and to set and protect boundaries, and Lavender restores balance and creates a peaceful atmosphere. Lavender also attracts loving energy and spirits. Use to calm the energy of your home or space, cleanse yourself when feeling a little out of sorts, or to cleanse a new purchase before using.
  • This is a Sacral Chakra crystal grid made out of Birch wood and approximately 4 inches in diameter and 1/4" thick. This is just for the grid, stones much be purchased separately. Svadhisthana - Your sacral chakra is located in your lower abdomen, about one to two inches below your naval. When out of balance symptoms including but aren't limited to attachment issues, sexually-related guilt, timidity, emotional volatility, hypersensitivity, and trust issues. Zodiac signs Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio The 7th Ray of "Ceremonial Magic" rules this chakra symbol. The second from the bottom of the seven chakras is about our relationships, creativity, sexuality, control and money. It's our time of developing individuality and realizing we are a separate entity from our parents and family. Here we learn about the polarity of opposites, male and female, positive and negative. Relationships with the opposite sex are explored here. Blocks in this second of the seven chakras brings lessons on jealousy, betrayal, control and power plays. Health Issues: Uterine or bladder problems, sexual difficulties, impotence, lack of flexibility, sciatica, lower back pain, and problems with large intestines.
  • This is a Third Eye Chakra crystal grid made out of Birch wood and approximately 4 inches in diameter and 1/4" thick. This is just for the grid, stones much be purchased separately. In certain dharmic spiritual traditions such as Hinduism, the third eye refers to the ajna, or brow, chakra. The third eye refers to the gate that leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. This chakra is governed by the 5th ray of "Concrete Knowledge." Our intuition and our ability to see with vision comes from here. It's the center of divine wisdom, the spiritual eye that seeks to see and know the truth in all things. From the sixth of the seven chakra symbols we close our physical eyes and look at the world from all aspects of self. Our intuition becomes our guide. A healthy third eye gives us the power to perceive every reflection from the outer world, as a direct call for us to accept it as ours, heal and love it. Blocks in this chakra cause us to become delusional, unimaginative, indifferent and to have poor memories. Worry is a big problem, spaced-out, and poor concentration also plague a person with a sick third eye chakra. Health issues: headaches, eye problems, pituitary and pineal glands, neurological problems.
  • This is a Throat Chakra crystal grid made out of Birch wood and approximately 4 inches in diameter and 1/4" thick. This is just for the grid, stones much be purchased separately. The Fifth Chakra in the human body is located in the throat region and aptly named Throat Chakra. In Sanskrit, the word 'Vishuddha' (meaning purification) is used for the Fifth Chakra. This Chakra is the center of communication, listening etc. The 3rd Ray of "Active intelligence," is associated with the fifth of the seven chakras. This chakra symbol is all about choice, willpower and the right to speak and be heard. Speaking our peace is our God given right of choice. Having said this, not all we say gives us peace. Some of what we say dis-empowers us...some empowers. What we say is caused by unloving or loving imprints from our past again. It is through this chakra that we manifest what we want in life. A healthy throat chakra makes your voice clear and it resonates with truth. The words are a creative expression of the honestly and trust we feel within. Blocks in this chakra make it difficult to communicate because we feel suppressed by swallowed emotions and feelings. The voice is weak and your feelings unclear or garbled. Integrity plays a huge part in the proper functioning of the throat chakra. Since its between the head and the heart it works to maintain integrity between what we think and what we feel. Self-empowerment is the main lesson of this chakra symbol. Health issues: fever, ear infections, weariness, thyroid problems, disorders in the throat, ears, voice, neck, cervical spine, hypothalamus and esophagus problems.
  • This is a Crown Chakra crystal grid made out of Birch wood and approximately 4 inches in diameter and 1/4"thick. This is just for the grid, stones much be purchased separately. The crown or the seventh chakra is located at the top of the head. Just as the Root or First Chakra connects us to the Mother Earth, the Crown Chakra is our connection to the Universe. In fact, the Seventh Chakra disperses the Universal energy or life force into the six other chakras located below it. The 1st Ray of "Will and Power" is associated with this chakra symbol. This chakra is located at the top of the head and spins very quickly as a 1000 petal lotus...our direct connection to God. Guidance comes directly to us from the divine and is received through this chakra. The life force from the creator penetrates into our energy system through the crown, and moves down through the other energy centers to the root chakra. From here we are inspired by God, and filled with Grace, because we have a strong connection to a power greater than ourselves. We live in present time and our spirits live in the now in harmony with our form and Will. Blocks in this chakra cause confusion, depression, senility, fear of success and lack of inspiration. The flow of spiritual energy is blocked in both directions. When this happens spiritual addiction and over intellectualizing occurs, as well as dissociation with the body. Healthy Issues: Migraines, brain tumors, coma, amnesia, nervous system and muscular system disorders, mental issues, and skin disorders.
  • This is a Heart Chakra crystal grid made out of Birch wood and approximately 4 inches in diameter and 1/4" thick. This is just for the grid, stones much be purchased separately. Anahata or heart chakra is the fourth primary chakra, according to Hindu Yogic, Shakta and Buddhist Tantric traditions. In Sanskrit, anahata means "unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten". Zodiac signs Aquarius, Gemini and Libra The 2nd Ray of "Love-Wisdom" rules this chakra symbol. It's at this chakra that we start to see the possibilities of the internal and external world...the world of spirit and of form. The heart chakra is the integration point for the seven chakras of the body, because it holds the sacred spark of the divine and the intuition of the Mother. When the heart chakra symbol is open, we are able to forgive, our lungs are clear and our immune systems are healthy. The higher chakras cannot be assessed till we pass through the heart. A heavy heart is one that carries resentment and anger from denied feeling and emotions, as well as guilt. To have a healthy heart, you must allow these suppressed emotions to surface, heal, and fall in love with yourselves. Or, suffer from bitterness and lack of forgiveness. An unhealthy heart chakra causes alone feelings and despair. How you love yourselves, you love others. The heart lessons are self-love and forgiveness of yourself. Health issues: high blood pressure, breathing difficulties, circulation problems, shortness of breath, chest pains, disorders of the heart, tension between the shoulders.
  • This is a Celtic Tree of Life crystal grid made out of Birch wood and approximately 4 inches in diameter and 1/4" thick. This is just for the grid, stones much be purchased separately. The tree has roots that reach deeply into the soil, acknowledging its connection to, and accepting nourishment from, Mother Earth. Leaves and branches extend into the sky, acknowledging Father Sun and accepting the energy that it transforms into nourishment. A symbol of family and connection to your ancestors. A tree symbolizes the generations of your family; a tree sprouts from a seed, grows and branches out, sees how far it can go, and then creates a new fruit that gives life to the next generation, to begin anew. Crystal grid and healing sets are groups of stones that go together for a purpose. Sets of crystals and stones are used for ritual magickal or spiritual crystal healing purposes or with Reiki-Seichim energy work for healing. Some are generalized and others have specific purposes.

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