• Life on Earth is the ultimate success story! From a cloud of dust, our planet is now a celebration of creativity, innovation, persistence, and diversity. Consciously connecting to this tremendous resource can awaken us to deeper truths and bring us closer to divinity. We can learn so much by observing the ways of nature. Whatever the quandary, somewhere in its vast history, our Mother Earth has already solved it. Commune with the timeless wisdom and wonder of Mother Earth for practical and spiritual guidance. The invisible forces, mechanics, and laws at play in our universe provide grounded insight into the greatest of stars and the real-life problems we all encounter. The illuminating vision of Toni Carmine Salerno, the applied philosophy of Leela J. Williams, and the archetypal imagery of Helena Nelson-Reed combine to take you on a remarkable journey of self-discovery to the greatest destination of all—our Sacred Earth.
  • Once, when folks met, they would say the sacred words Blessed Be to wish each other blessings for the day, for the night, and for the profound turning points in their lives. This Celtic-inspired deck, in very simple, real ways, returns to you the holy power of blessing, providing a pathway to reconnection with the Divine. Lucy Cavendish's compassionate blessings bring hope, inspiration, understanding, and encouragement. Most of all, they offer a deep sense of belonging, the comfort of being seen, the reminder that you are a cherished and most precious being. For every one of life's gateways, for all the joyful moments, and the challenges, there is a blessing to ignite your soul's luminous, loving light once again. Jane Starr Weils' exquisite illustrations provide a unique feast of devotional treasures that will restore your spirit to the sacred, every day.
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    Shamanic practice acknowledges the presence of spirit, wisdom, and healing energy in all things. Since ancient times, the shaman has realized the "medicine" within and beyond this world and used this connection for the betterment of all. Now, you can access the knowledge, protection, and insight of the shaman's medicine, through this beautiful oracle. With this oracle, you can access the greater mysteries, the wisdom of the ancestors and the medicine of shaman. Especially crafted artworks combine with the comprehensive guidebook to deliver wise counsel, divination and a fuller understanding of the medicine of each card. The result is a powerful deck that will awaken your vision to the magic and meaning in your world.
  • Follow your inner calling to connect with divine light and higher frequencies of consciousness to bring healing to the world. This oracle deck helps you create a positive contribution to our planet, evolve spiritually, and develop your innate abilities to work with energy through different healing modalities. Lightworker Oracle supports your deeper awakening and encourages you to fulfill your life purpose. Includes a 44-card deck and 140-page guidebook Author Alana Fairchild
  • Step into a lost world from long ago... A world veiled in darkness after a cataclysmic collision that stilled the earth. Millennia have passed and only humankind has survived—through the divine gift of dreams. Exquisitely rich and magical, this new Rider-Waite-Smith-based tarot deck by digital artist Ciro Marchetti takes you into the heart of fantasy. You can use this legacy from ages past to discover what you need for your own life as it guides you toward hope, wisdom, and inspiration. The companion guidebook, Gateway to the Divine Tarot, presents the author's interpretation of each card's significance, along with additional perspectives from experts in the tarot community, including Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone, James Ricklef, and Leisa ReFalo. Includes a 78-card deck and a 312-page book.
  • Selenite can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy. Selenite can remove energy blocks from physical and etheric bodies. The powerful vibration of Selenite opens the Crown and Higher Chakras and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. Selenite calms and brings deep peace, and offers access to past and future lives. Selenite brings mental clarity, clearing confusion and revealing the bigger picture behind problems. A protective stone, Selenite shields a person or space from outside influences.
  • selenite wand is a versatile crystal tool used for energy cleansing, meditation, healing and more. Referred to as “liquid light,” Selenite has the ability to quickly unblock stagnant, stuck energy to promote a healthy, smooth flow of energy throughout your body. It dispels all negative energy from your system, bringing calming energies, mental clarity and deep peace. These wands are an energy tool that everyone needs in their home! Hold one in each hand for meditation, or use one to clear your aura on a daily basis--the possibilities are endless.  Keep them near your crystals to keep them cleansed also.  
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    Small sized brass tabletop prayer wheel-4 inches tall by 1.75 inches wide This beautiful brass prayer wheel (complete with the prayer om mani padme hum inside) can sit beside you and allow you a great sense of peace as you spin in through out your day. Each spin of the wheel releases the prayer “oh praise to the jewel in the heart of the lotus” out into the world to bless all beings.
  • The Keepers of the Light is a congregation of Ascended Masters and divine beings that are dedicated to the peace, healing, and nurturing of the world. These amazing masters transcend religion and go beyond time – they are here and willing to help all of those who call on them. The new Keepers of the Light oracle card deck from Kyle Gray draws together 44 Ascended Masters, spiritual deities, and beings from many world traditions, and embraces spiritual teachings from ancient to modern times. The deck balances male and female energies, and includes traditional masters like Lord Buddha and Mother Mary, Earth-based deities like Gaia and Cernunnos, and modern favorites like Sanat Kumara, Lady Venus, and Saint Germain. Each card is beautifully hand drawn by visionary artist Lily Moses, who paints what she sees from a deep meditative state. The deck’s aim is to help spiritual seekers to develop their intuition and to really start trusting the messages that spirit shares.
  • Helps with concentration, and increases awareness, inspiration, and creativity. Purifies the spiritual, mental and physical planes. Can also bring an aura of protection. Known as the master healer, it has the power to regulate energy.
  • Hematite is a grounding stone and can be useful for a mental "tune up". It helps with studying by enhancing memory and concentration. It dissipates negativity and stimulates the circulatory system.
  • Rhodonite clears emotional wounds and scars from the past. It eases doubts about personal abilities and helps in achieving one's highest potential. It builds confidence, and alleviates confusion. It calms the heart and soothes the mind.

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