• In addition to the generic healing properties of Agate and Chalcedony, Moss Agate is a stone of new beginnings. Refreshes the soul and enables you to see beauty in all you behold. Moss Agate reduces sensitivity to weather and environmental pollutants. It attracts abundance in wealth and improves self-esteem.
  • Moonstone supports the heart as it stimulates the mind, soothing worry or anxiety, and bringing out the best in people. Its loving energy promotes the Divine in all situations, and is an emotional support for intuitive or sensitive children. Moonstone opens the heart to nurturing qualities as well as assisting in the acceptance of love. Moonstone aids dancers and artists in their self-expression, inspires the heart and feeling in executives, and helps educators in sharing activities.
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    Work with the moon's power to gain clarity on your life, make informed decisions, and bring positive change where it is most needed! The phases of the moon and the position of the stars have a powerful effect on our everyday lives. Astrologer Yasmin Boland is an expert on the moon's influence on our lives and knows the tricks of working with its phases to yield positive results. Following the popularity of her book Moonology, she has created this oracle deck to bring more answers and guidance for those who feel a connection or are drawn to working with the moon's natural magic.The cards in the deck provide answers to the user's questions about their life as well as offering teachings on moon phases and moon positions. The cards will be named after a moon phase (full moon, new moon, quarter moon, crescent moon, super moon), or moon positions in the starsigns or houses. Each card will show how the energy of this moon position relates to an area of life, including life goals, communication, relationships, new beginnings, health, love, work, dreams, healing, success, family, home, money, travel, and friends. The cards will also offer guidance on action to take or things to reflect on. With magical and mystical illustrations, this deck is a beautiful and wise companion for those wishing to harness the moon's power!
  • This handsome bag from Lo Scarabeo provides an attractive way to safely store and protect your valuable decks. This bag is big enough to hold two standard size (2.6 x 4.7 inches) decks.
  • Mookaite is a nurturing stone that supports and sustains during times of stress. It brings peace and a feeling of wholeness. Mookaite helps us with decision making, especially when we are having a difficult time. It encourages versatility and helps us to accept change.
  • Traditional blend of concentrated essential and fragrance oils used to enhance our ability to attract financial abundance. Use it to increase wealth and abundance.
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    Many people have watched or read 'The Secret' and believe that you can ask the universe for any material thing that you would like and the law of attraction will just deliver it to you. But of course it's not as simple as that. You have to change the way that you think if you want to change your world. In this extraordinary CD set Esther and Jerry Hicks outline the secret behind the laws of attraction. They explain clearly how to focus your energy on manifesting prosperity. Learn the keys of abundance by: * Focussing on what you want in your life and not on what you don't have. * Seeing yourself as wealthy not poor * Visualising yourself as enjoying the object or lifestyle that you dream of, see yourself having fun living in that house or driving that car There is enough for everyone. The key is for each of you is to see it and want it-and then you will attract it. Know that you have the power to attract whatever you desire. Affirm that money flows to you easily and that you have an unlimited supply of abundance and prosperity.
  • Learn how to create abundance in your life by: focusing on what you do have, not on what you don't; seeing yourself as wealthy not poor; and visualizing yourself enjoying the object or lifestyle you dream of.
  • This fully illustrated 62-card deck is based on Gabrielle Bernstein’s New York Times bestseller, Miracles Now. Each card contains a powerful, life-changing message, modernized and boiled down to a 140-character description that can be tweeted, pinned on Pinterest, posted on Facebook, or shared on Instagram with the hashtag #MiraclesNow.
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    Handmade mini pendulum perfect for carrying in your pocket, or for smaller hands just learning how to dowse
  • In these turbulent times, just about every solution you can think of has been put forth by someone, somewhere, as a way to calm the waters and live with more happiness and ease. But the fact is you cannot think your way to a better life. Change isn’t something your mind can accomplish alone. It calls for mind and body to work together in a deeper unity than you may ever have imagined. Neuropsychologist Mario Martinez is a pioneer in the science of the mindbody—his term for that essential oneness of cognition and biology—and a passionate advocate for its power to reshape our lives, if we work with it consciously. In The MindBody Self, he builds on the foundation he laid in the critically acclaimed MindBody Code to explore the cultural conditions that coauthor our reality and shape every aspect of our lives, from health and longevity to relationships and self-esteem. Then he offers practical tools we can use to shed outworn patterns and create sustainable change. You’ll read about:
    • How our cultural beliefs affect the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of disease
    • The difference between growing older (which we all do) and “aging” by our culture’s standards (which we can learn not to do)
    • What happens when we move “beyond the pale” of our tribe’s expectations
    • How to navigate adversity using uncertainty as a guide
    • Biocognitive tools for a healthy life
    The MindBody Self presents groundbreaking ideas derived from rigorous scholarship—but you don’t need a background in science to use what you find here. Each chapter concludes with exercises and experiential processes that make complex scientific discoveries not only accessible, but applicable. The result is a paradigm shift in which the myths of doom are shattered by the science of hope, survival takes a back seat to meaning, and fear gives way to love.
  • Drum style smudge pot, great for burning smudge sticks, loose herbs, or just fill it up with sand and it makes a great incense burner.

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