• This card deck by New York Times bestselling authors Esther & Jerry Hicks presents the teachings of the Non-Physical entity Abraham in the form of these beautifully illustrated cards. By using these cards you'll learn how all things, wanted and unwanted, are brought to you by this most powerful force. Learn how to make these laws work to your advantage and use this card deck to help you to be, do or have anything you desire.
  • Learn how to create abundance in your life by: focusing on what you do have, not on what you don't; seeing yourself as wealthy not poor; and visualizing yourself enjoying the object or lifestyle you dream of.
  • A full-color guide to 52 crystals and practices to elevate your everyday life Are you looking to create your own luck? Or is today the day for breaking through blocks? Do you need to let go of what no longer serves you? Or do you simply want to sleep well, even if just for a night? No matter who you are, crystals can provide a boost of energy and purpose, as well as serve as tactile physical elements to help you transform your everyday life. In this essential, full-color guide, you will discover 52 crystals that can help you 365 days of the year.Co-author of Crystal Muse and founder of Energy Muse, Heather Askinosie, provides an abundance of key information, including each crystal's history and lore, origin, and intention, as well as a simple three- to six-step practices for easy activation. She also shares a wealth of crystal combinations for intentions such as love, wealth, creativity, and happiness.Whether you are an avid crystal fan or are a newbie, CRYSTAL365 will help you to create a personalized action plan for your own style and goals for positive change.
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    A beautiful set of runes engraved and painted onto precious gemstones. Full set of 25 runes with a small header card that describes a short meaning for each rune. Also has a velvet pouch with the rune alphabet printed on it. Runes are an ancient form of oracle used by those seeking advice. Runes have a long history, dating back to ancient use by Germanic and Nordic tribes, and are still widely used in today’s society. The word ‘rune’ simply means mystery, whisper or secret and it’s a form of divination or oracle reading system that’s used to help gain insight into situations or questions. Runes can be made of various materials, but are most commonly made of stone,  or crystals, and feature a symbol from the runic alphabet on them.
  • Handblown glass figurine of a kiss, comes with paper to write your wish or love note on! Makes a great gift that is unique and unusual! Doesn't die like flowers, and doesn't disappear like Chocolate!
  • A Guide to get Unstuck and Find your Flow! Navigate change with clarity and ease using the tools of EFT in this guide from New York Times best-selling author and Tapping expert Jessica Ortner. "The Tapping Solution to Create Lasting Change gets right down to the heart of what it takes to change and have a better, healthier, and more love-filled life." -- Christiane Northrup, M.D.Why do we fear the unknown so intensely that we're willing to shy away from our deepest desires and settle for playing small? Why do we get enthused when we first start something, only to burn out the moment things feel challenging? And why, even when we get the outcomes we desire, do we often struggle to sustain them and instead slip back into old, self-sabotaging patterns? In The Tapping Solution to Create Lasting Change, available for the first time in paperback, New York Times best-selling author Jessica Ortner shares the lessons she's learned about what it feels like to flow through change and how to bring about real transformation in ways that are both authentic and empowering. Her gentle, relatable guidance shows you how to use Tapping, also known as EFT, as a tool for finding the clarity and the ease you crave to move forward; how to navigate the unknown with new energy, hope and an open heart; and how to release the doubts and fears that are clouding your judgment so you can rediscover your true path. It's a new way to look at the one unavoidable constant in life--change--not as an obstacle in our path but as a doorway to joy.
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    A beautiful writing journal with colorful, inspiring pages, interspersed with quotes based on Gabrielle Bernstein's key teaching of trusting the universe. Gabrielle Bernstein has been inspiring spiritual seekers for over a decade, with hundreds of thousands of people across the globe following her work. One of her most important and recurring teachings is that life is always helping and supporting us. Gabrielle believes that through prayer, trust, and love, we can always be sure that life is bringing us exactly what we need.In her bestselling book The Universe Has Your Back, Gabrielle taught readers how to relinquish control, relax into a sense of certainty and freedom, find strength when they are down, synchronicity and support when they are lost, safety in the face of uncertainty, and joy in what might otherwise be pain. Now, she has created a stunning journal to help readers implement and practice these teachings in their own lives. With artwork based on the beautiful The Universe Has Your Back card deck, this journal will feature quotes to inspire an introspective journaling experience. A stand-alone product, readers can use this journal and benefit from the soul-shifting experience even if they haven't read Gabrielle's books.This journal will set the reader off on a colorful journey of creativity and spirituality towards their own connection with the supportive forces of life. Ultimately, they will learn to find their trust and faith, and to understand that no matter what challenges or circumstances they are going through, the universe always has their back.
  • Yoga Rising is a collection of personal essays meant to support your journey toward self-acceptance and self-love. This follow-up to the groundbreaking book Yoga and Body Image features 30 contributors who share stories of major turning points. Explore how body image and yoga intersect with race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, dis/ability, socioeconomic status, age, and size as part and parcel of culture and society. Collectively, we can make space for yoga that is body positive and accessible to the full range of human diversity. With a special emphasis on how you can take action to build community and challenge destructive attitudes and structures, Yoga Rising is a resource for the continuing work of healing ourselves and our world as we move toward liberation for all.
  • Use the Ancient Wisdom of Yoga to Explore the Deepest Aspects of Your Creative Self Combining expressive arts and yoga therapy, Yoga for the Creative Soul is an invaluable guide to healing emotional wounds and creating a joyous life. Through drawing, writing, dancing, humming, and cooking—as well as yoga postures, meditation, relaxation, breathing, and self-inquiry—this book helps you cultivate your true intentions and live your deepest values. With helpful tips for daily practice and a quiz to support you in identifying areas of imbalance, author Erin Byron shares techniques that you can personalize to meet your specific needs. Discover how to bring color, movement, and melody into everyday moments with the five paths to self-realization: Karma, Jnana, Raja, Bhakti, and Tantra. Engaging a process of personal transformation and learning how take control of your life are gifts you can give yourself with Yoga for the Creative Soul
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    Learn to transform negative words, thoughts, perspectives, and beliefs into empowering ones with Body Mindful Yoga's unique approach to combining yoga and the power of language. The words you think, speak, and absorb inform how you feel about your body. With this book's inspiring guidance, you can begin to move through the world with an attitude that radiates self-confidence, contentment, and peace of mind and body. Open your eyes to how words affect your body image using four Body Mindful steps: Listen, Learn, Love, and Live. These steps provide powerful insights, techniques, and hands-on exercises. The latter two steps encourage active practice as you improve your inner life (the words you speak to yourself) and your outer life (your interaction with others). This book shows you how to be a Body Mindful ambassador who empowers yourself and everyone around you.
  • Like Louise Hay’s perennial best-sellers, Power Thought Cards and Wisdom Cards, the LIFE LOVES YOU CARDS contain affirmations that plant seeds for personal growth and transformation. Created by Louise Hay and Robert Holden, co-authors of Life Loves You: 7 Spiritual Practices to Heal Your Life, the LIFE LOVES YOU CARDS, like their book, explore the deeper meaning and practical application of Louise’s signature affirmation, Life loves you. Each of the 52 cards contains an affirmation to practice on one side and on the other, an inspiring message to encourage self-inquiry and positive action. Among the affirmations: ♥ I dedicate today to love ♥ I live in a friendly universe ♥ I trust that life wants the best for me ♥ I listen to the wisdom of my body ♥ I choose to live with ease ♥ I follow my joy As an example, the card for the affirmation Life loves youcontains the following explanatory text on the reverse side: Life loves us all. Look at yourself in a mirror. Breathe in and say, “Life loves me.” As you breathe out, smile. Repeat ten times. The card deck is designed to be consulted in many different ways: as an oracle, perhaps, or a focus for the day or week, or to provide guidance on a specific issue. However the cards are used, the authors say, they all demonstrate the transforming power of love.
  • Based on don Miguel Ruiz’s New York Times bestselling book, The Four Agreements, the 48 cards in this deck provide a simple yet powerful code of conduct for attaining personal freedom and true happiness. There are 12 cards corresponding to each of the four agreements: (1) Be impeccable with your word; (2) Don’t take anything personally; (3) Don’t make assumptions; and (4) Always do your best. These cards will help you transform your life as you recover the awareness and wisdom of your authentic self!

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