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    This magnificent oracle by Jody Bergsma will guide you on a journey to get to know 51 different animal helpers and discover their powerful medicine. Set includes 51 Animal Spirit Cards, 1 Personal Choice Card, 116-page illustrated Guidebook, and Power Animals Spread Sheet.
  • The classic Rider-Waite Tarot, with Spanish titles and instruction booklet, is a must have for any tarot enthusiast. Once considered revolutionary, the Rider-Waite deck has become the most popular tarot deck in the world, and has set the standard for hundreds of other tarot decks.
  • The Soul Coaching® Oracle Cards, by best-selling author and healer Denise Linn, provide a direct connection to the Soul. The card deck and guidebook can be used to give yourself, your loved ones, and your clients remarkably accurate, heartfelt readings . . . as well as help you touch the sacred place within. You’ll come to understand what your Soul wants you to know about your relationships, your career, your creativity, and even your future. Every card glows with beautiful artwork and a positive message that can help you receive profound spiritual guidance from your higher self!
  • Sodalite brings order and calmness to the mind.  It encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuition, along with verbalisation of feelings.  Sodalite brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks.  It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust.  Sodalite brings order and calmness to the mind. It encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuition, along with verbalisation of feelings. Sodalite brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks. It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust. Sodalite balances the metabolism, boosts the immune system and overcomes calcium deficiencies. It combats radiation damage by soaking up electromagnetic smog. Sodalite treats the throat, vocal cords, larynx and helps with hoarseness and digestive disorders. It cools fevers, lowers blood pressure and stimulates the absorption of body fluids. Sodalite can also help to prevent insomnia.
  • A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian provides balance for body, mind and spirit. It helps you recognise and release “wrong thinking” and stressful mental patterns. Promotes dispassion and inner centering. Snowflake Obsidian empowers isolation and loneliness, aiding surrender in meditation.
  • In addition to the generic healing properties of Quartz, Smokey Quartz is an excellent grounding stone.  It gently neutralizes negative vibrations and is detoxifying on all levels, prompting elimination of the digestive system and protecting against radiation and electromagnetic smog.  Smokey Quartz disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity.  It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety.  Promotes positive thoughts and action, and alleviates suicidal tendencies.  Dispels nightmares and manifests your dreams.  Smokey Quartz aids concentration and assists in communication difficulties.
  • Emotionally, smoky quartz is excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. Smoky quartz relieves stress, fear, jealousy, anger and other negative emotions by transforming them into positive energies. It is a helpful stone for enhancing and encouraging courage and inner strength.
  • This beautiful satin pouch can be used to store and transport valuables of all kinds—jewelry, keepsakes, crystals, runes, pendulums, decks, and more. Also makes a great gift bag!
  • Sustainable, inspiring, affirmational, and colorful, Jendala brings a smile in its uniqueness, forming words and shapes from recycled metal.
  • Sustainable, inspiring, affirmational, and colorful, Jendala brings a smile in its uniqueness, forming words and shapes from recycled metal.
  • Sustainable, inspiring, affirmational, and colorful, Jendala brings a smile in its uniqueness, forming words and shapes from recycled metal.
  • Sustainable, inspiring, affirmational, and colorful, Jendala brings a smile in its uniqueness, forming words and shapes from recycled metal.

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