• These incense burners are made from wood that have been sanded smooth, stained and the wood has been burnt. There is a bottom compartment for storing extra incense sticks.
  • Each Chakra pendulum is made from genuine gemstone that has been oblong cone shaped , smoothed and polished to a high shine. Each gemstone pendulum is attached to a 6" silver plated chain with an apx 6 mm polish clear ball sphere on the end. Because this is a natural stone, color varies from stone to stone. Overall average pendulum lengths varies from stone to stone: Average size of stone can ranges from 1" L to 1 3/4" L x 3/8" W to 5/8" W. (this doesn't include the chain length).
  • Backbone

    Learning to be a good man used to be part of our culture; sons learned from fathers, nephews learned from uncles, apprentices learned from masters. But today this rarely happens. Modern men have to figure it out by themselves. Backbone is a practical, step-by-step guide to help men know themselves deeply, root out weaknesses, enhance strengths, and upgrade their experience of life.
  • Triloka original incense with a wooden holder included.
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    It represents the solar qualities of Labradorites inner strength, vitality, courage, clear thinking, endurance, mental activity, spiritual focus and purposefulness. It teaches one about the right use of power and will and can assist in clearing issues of use of power, particularly those related to alternate or past lifetimes. It is useful for detaching from undue influence or manipulation by others, and especially for treating codependency or an enabler who is unable to let the person learn their own lessons in life or who unconsciously wants to prolong dependency. It increases clarity of mind and stimulates ones ability to learn and adapt to new situations or surroundings, calming the emotions and helping one see the Divine pattern in ones daily struggles. In dream work, it can assist one in consciously awakening in the higher planes and in bringing back important information. It will permanently infuse ones consciousness with awe, reverence, and gratitude, and a sense of the magnificent perfection of All-That-Is. Its energies are male in tone, and solar, as has been said. It can be used to activate the male aspects of the self, in both men and women. It is supportive of the traits of assertiveness, self-confidence, creativity, self-expression in language, physical activity and extroversion. These are among the primary energies needed to promote individual effectiveness in ones daily activities and a continuing enjoyment of all life brings. For those who feel tentative, unfocused, passive or weak, Golden Labradorite can be a helpful ally. These are small stones, plesae be aware they may not be as large as some others.  
  • Hand carved wand from Willow, which has a feminine energy. Willow is strongly aligned with the element of water and associated with the element of spirit. Magical Properties: Willow wands are strong in the cycles of life dealing with death and rebirth, change, the will. It is a very emotional wood. Willow can add vital energy to the sick and elderly. Willow will align itself to the inner will of the party that shares its energy. The stronger the will, the more effective the wood. Willow is extremely useful in healing. It is also good for love spells and rituals involving emotion. It strengthens the third eye, and is a great tool for divination as well.
  • Hand carved wand from walnut, this wood has both Feminine and Masculine energies. Closely aligned with the elements of Earth and Spirit. Walnut is sacred to the Gods Vashaan, Zues, Jupiter, Thor, and Vishnu. Magical properties: Black walnut wands are well used in spells of teleportation, astral travel, weather working, averting lightening, powers of the wind and breath, and motivation.
  • Handmade maple wand. Maple has both Feminine and Masculine energy. Libra and Virgo consider this tree to be sacred. Associated with the elements of Spirit and Water. The great horned owl is the sacred bird of this tree. Magical Properties: Some cultures primarily use Maple wands for spiritual healing. Maple is a traveler's wood. It enhances intellectual pursuits, acquiring knowledge, and communication. Spells concerning art, beauty, binding, and abundance should consider using this wood. The gypsies believe Maple brings gold and that eating the seeds draws love.
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    Cedar Wand

    Cedar is associated with the Greek Goddess Persephone during her detainment in the Underworld. Also associated with the Celt Goddess Sezh that watches over the realm of fertility, herbs, and trees. Used by King Solomon, one of the greatest mystics of all time, in the building of the temple in Jerusalem. Magical Properties: Cedar wands cleanses negative atmospheres. Used for the creation of sacred spaces. Related to longevity, protection, and preservation. Often used to summon helpful spirits during rituals and invocations.
  • This is a Sacral Chakra crystal grid made out of Birch wood and approximately 4 inches in diameter and 1/4" thick. This is just for the grid, stones much be purchased separately. Svadhisthana - Your sacral chakra is located in your lower abdomen, about one to two inches below your naval. When out of balance symptoms including but aren't limited to attachment issues, sexually-related guilt, timidity, emotional volatility, hypersensitivity, and trust issues. Zodiac signs Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio The 7th Ray of "Ceremonial Magic" rules this chakra symbol. The second from the bottom of the seven chakras is about our relationships, creativity, sexuality, control and money. It's our time of developing individuality and realizing we are a separate entity from our parents and family. Here we learn about the polarity of opposites, male and female, positive and negative. Relationships with the opposite sex are explored here. Blocks in this second of the seven chakras brings lessons on jealousy, betrayal, control and power plays. Health Issues: Uterine or bladder problems, sexual difficulties, impotence, lack of flexibility, sciatica, lower back pain, and problems with large intestines.
  • This is a Third Eye Chakra crystal grid made out of Birch wood and approximately 4 inches in diameter and 1/4" thick. This is just for the grid, stones much be purchased separately. In certain dharmic spiritual traditions such as Hinduism, the third eye refers to the ajna, or brow, chakra. The third eye refers to the gate that leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. This chakra is governed by the 5th ray of "Concrete Knowledge." Our intuition and our ability to see with vision comes from here. It's the center of divine wisdom, the spiritual eye that seeks to see and know the truth in all things. From the sixth of the seven chakra symbols we close our physical eyes and look at the world from all aspects of self. Our intuition becomes our guide. A healthy third eye gives us the power to perceive every reflection from the outer world, as a direct call for us to accept it as ours, heal and love it. Blocks in this chakra cause us to become delusional, unimaginative, indifferent and to have poor memories. Worry is a big problem, spaced-out, and poor concentration also plague a person with a sick third eye chakra. Health issues: headaches, eye problems, pituitary and pineal glands, neurological problems.
  • This is a Throat Chakra crystal grid made out of Birch wood and approximately 4 inches in diameter and 1/4" thick. This is just for the grid, stones much be purchased separately. The Fifth Chakra in the human body is located in the throat region and aptly named Throat Chakra. In Sanskrit, the word 'Vishuddha' (meaning purification) is used for the Fifth Chakra. This Chakra is the center of communication, listening etc. The 3rd Ray of "Active intelligence," is associated with the fifth of the seven chakras. This chakra symbol is all about choice, willpower and the right to speak and be heard. Speaking our peace is our God given right of choice. Having said this, not all we say gives us peace. Some of what we say dis-empowers us...some empowers. What we say is caused by unloving or loving imprints from our past again. It is through this chakra that we manifest what we want in life. A healthy throat chakra makes your voice clear and it resonates with truth. The words are a creative expression of the honestly and trust we feel within. Blocks in this chakra make it difficult to communicate because we feel suppressed by swallowed emotions and feelings. The voice is weak and your feelings unclear or garbled. Integrity plays a huge part in the proper functioning of the throat chakra. Since its between the head and the heart it works to maintain integrity between what we think and what we feel. Self-empowerment is the main lesson of this chakra symbol. Health issues: fever, ear infections, weariness, thyroid problems, disorders in the throat, ears, voice, neck, cervical spine, hypothalamus and esophagus problems.
  • This is a Crown Chakra crystal grid made out of Birch wood and approximately 4 inches in diameter and 1/4"thick. This is just for the grid, stones much be purchased separately. The crown or the seventh chakra is located at the top of the head. Just as the Root or First Chakra connects us to the Mother Earth, the Crown Chakra is our connection to the Universe. In fact, the Seventh Chakra disperses the Universal energy or life force into the six other chakras located below it. The 1st Ray of "Will and Power" is associated with this chakra symbol. This chakra is located at the top of the head and spins very quickly as a 1000 petal lotus...our direct connection to God. Guidance comes directly to us from the divine and is received through this chakra. The life force from the creator penetrates into our energy system through the crown, and moves down through the other energy centers to the root chakra. From here we are inspired by God, and filled with Grace, because we have a strong connection to a power greater than ourselves. We live in present time and our spirits live in the now in harmony with our form and Will. Blocks in this chakra cause confusion, depression, senility, fear of success and lack of inspiration. The flow of spiritual energy is blocked in both directions. When this happens spiritual addiction and over intellectualizing occurs, as well as dissociation with the body. Healthy Issues: Migraines, brain tumors, coma, amnesia, nervous system and muscular system disorders, mental issues, and skin disorders.
  • This is a Metatron's Cube crystal grid made out of Birch wood and approximately 4 inches in diameter and 1/4" think. This is just for the grid, stones much be purchased separately. Metatron's cube contains every shape that exists in the universe God has created, and those shapes are the building blocks of all physical matter. They are known as Platonic solids because the philosopher Plato linked them to the spirit world of heaven and the physical elements on Earth. Those three-dimensional shapes appear throughout creation, in all everything from crystals to human DNA.
  • This is a Celtic Tree of Life crystal grid made out of Birch wood and approximately 4 inches in diameter and 1/4" thick. This is just for the grid, stones much be purchased separately. The tree has roots that reach deeply into the soil, acknowledging its connection to, and accepting nourishment from, Mother Earth. Leaves and branches extend into the sky, acknowledging Father Sun and accepting the energy that it transforms into nourishment. A symbol of family and connection to your ancestors. A tree symbolizes the generations of your family; a tree sprouts from a seed, grows and branches out, sees how far it can go, and then creates a new fruit that gives life to the next generation, to begin anew. Crystal grid and healing sets are groups of stones that go together for a purpose. Sets of crystals and stones are used for ritual magickal or spiritual crystal healing purposes or with Reiki-Seichim energy work for healing. Some are generalized and others have specific purposes.
  • This is a Merkaba Metatron's Cube crystal grid made out of Birch wood, and approximately 4 inches in diameter and 1/4" thick. This is just for the grid, stones much be purchased separately. Merkabah, also spelled Merkaba, is the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. "Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body. Metatron's cube contains every shape that exists in the universe God has created, and those shapes are the building blocks of all physical matter. They are known as Platonic solids because the philosopher Plato linked them to the spirit world of heaven and the physical elements on Earth. Those three-dimensional shapes appear throughout creation, in all everything from crystals to human DNA. Crystal grid and healing sets are groups of stones that go together for a purpose. Sets of crystals and stones are used for ritual magickal or spiritual crystal healing purposes or with Reiki-Seichim energy work for healing. Some are generalized and others have specific purposes.
  • Incense Box Burner
    • Size: 12" Length
    • Material: Sheesam Wood
    • Hand Made in India
    Hand carved wooden incense coffin box not only stores incense, it is also a burner for incense sticks.
  • Back flow cones have a hollow tunnel in the middle, and use a special back flow incense burner. The smoke will pour out through the bottom and down the burner like a waterfall. Dragon's Blood, an ancient fragrance made from a reddish plant resin, is said to have cleansing, protective and healing properties. It is a resinous, heady and slightly sweet fragrance that is popular for use in ritual and magic. This is a bag of 25 back flow cones made by the famous Wildberry brand.
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    Mini brass pendulum, measures about 1.5 inches long and unscrews to reveal a tiny hidden compartment for adding herbs, oils or crystals. The chain is approximately 9 inches long. Brass attracts healing, wealth and protection.
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    Small sized brass tabletop prayer wheel-4 inches tall by 1.75 inches wide This beautiful brass prayer wheel (complete with the prayer om mani padme hum inside) can sit beside you and allow you a great sense of peace as you spin in through out your day. Each spin of the wheel releases the prayer “oh praise to the jewel in the heart of the lotus” out into the world to bless all beings.
  • When the time is right to visit your sacred space, allow us to enlighten the journey. Each of our magic candles has been designed with a specific intention using a unique blend of essential oils by Crystal Journey. Each candle comes with an affirmation and inspirational message. 1 1/2" x 7"
  • Zafu meditation pillow with brocade cover and zipper. Our zafu is a round traditional meditation cushion with pleated sides. The cover is made of beautiful brocade fabric. Each zafu has a carrying handle and features a hidden side zipper for easy cleaning. The inside cushion is made of durable cotton and is also stuffed with cotton. 40″ circumference. 13″ diameter and 5.5″ high Zafu pillows provide better spine alignment and proper height for a more comfortable and deeper meditation. The Zafu makes sitting meditation easier on the knees and ankles. Great for decorating as well! Exquisite workmanship from the monks of the Drepung Loseling Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • Traditional blend of concentrated essential and fragrance oils used to enhance our ability to attract financial abundance. Use it to increase wealth and abundance.
  • Traditional blend of concentrated essential and fragrance oils used to enhance our ability to create and attract love. Use it to encourage love and positivity.
  • Internationally renowned author Wayne Dyer continues his series of inspirational works for children as he offers a positive, spiritual approach to the meaning of money for kids. It's Not What You've Got addresses the topics of money and abundance, with the understanding that children's earliest thoughts and perceptions about money will last throughout their lives. The concepts presented in this beautifully illustrated book include: Money does not define who you are; it doesn't matter what others have, and abundance comes in many forms.
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    French Lavender Mist is calming and nurturing. Use it to prepare your space for sleep and relaxation, and to neutralize stress. French Lavender Mist is a traditional blend of essential oil in distilled water and polysorbate-20, an emulsifier derived from coconut.
  • Beautiful full-color artwork adorns this Traveler Mug. Mug features a durable stainless-steel interior with a clear hard plastic exterior and spill-resistant lid. Ideal for coffee, tea and hot cocoa. Inspiring "Live Everyday in Abundance" message.
    • Stainless-steel interior
    • Art wrapped exterior under hard, clear plastic
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    Brighten your world or someone else's with this amazing ceramic Travel Mug.  The Brighten My World Travel Mug holds 18 oz. of your favorite drink while inspiring you through full-color artwork by Stephanie Burgess. The mug includes a recessed plastic lid with slide opening to prevent spills and leaks.
    • Ceramic; 18 oz. capacity
    • Recessed plastic lid with slide opening
    • Dishwasher and microwave safe
    • Full-color, art-wrapped exterior
    • Includes coordinating gift box with new acetate lid for easy viewing and decorative lid for gift giving
    • Mug dimensions: 5 1/4"w x 6 1/4"h
  • Always wear your aventurine, in this beautiful belly button ring. Green Aventurine is a comforter and heart healer, used to clear and activate the Heart Chakra for general well-being and emotional calm. It is also a powerful protector of the Heart Chakra, providing a shield to block entry from those who would “tap-in” and use the energy of another.
  • Fir balsam helps purify and cleanse the home. It is used to enhance work with the animal kingdom. The scent is warming and grounding. Aromatic fir is used as incense for meditation and psychic work and is used in aromatherapy to relieve anxiety and stress. Box of 40 blocks, does not come with burner.
  • Hickory is slow to grow, signifying an alignment with the virtues of patience and perseverance. It also produces a pleasant smoke and can be used as an incense in rites of steadfastness, perseverance and staying the course as well as to increase courage and improve resolve. Box of 40 blocks, does not include burner
  • 40 blocks per box, does not include burner. Mesquite is disinfecting, helps with digestive problems, and enhances the energy of spells or rituals. Makes any other incense more powerful.
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    Juniper was widely used as incense in Sumer, Babylon and Egypt for spiritual purposes and to honor both Goddesses and Gods. It is sacred specifically to Inanna who was later called Ishtar. Centuries later in Europe, branches of Juniper were smoldered and carried around fields and farms to release their protective energies, guarding both livestock and crops. Used for Protection, Purification and Healing. Box of 40, does not include burner.
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    Sacred to the Native Americans for its healing properties and rich, pungent and clearing smoke -- pine resin is a great way to clear a space. When burned, pinion energetically creates a peaceful and inviting environment. It’s also used to clear and balance one’s aura and energy field. It’s commonly used in healing ceremonies and invokes clairvoyance, compassion and spiritual strength. Box of 40 blocks, does not come with burner.
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    Cedar wood incense in blocks. Cedar, like all wood incenses, is fire associative. It’s also generally seen as an incense denoting strength or power. 40 blocks per box, does not come with burner.

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